This April, I have encountered something very simple but which has significantly changed my view and perception about the teaching profession. At my...

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This April, I have encountered something very simple but which has significantly changed my view and perception about the teaching profession.

At my residence, there are some young children between the ages of three and nine and as it is the school holidays, they are all at home and with little to do, and so will jump into any activity that will engage them physically as well as, mentally.

Having a soft spot for disciplined and well behaved children, these happened to be candidates of my friendship. So one day, I found myself at home during the day and they all came flocking into my house. The sight of a computer heightened their excitement and with so many things that one can do on a computer, they were instantly hooked. While they were not very conversant with computers, I taught them a few basics on how to operate a computer.

These  kids are still young so patience while teaching them is required in huge amounts and I must admit, I don’t rank very highly when it comes to matters of patience. The challenge is (I) teaching them in a language they can understand and (II) At their age, it is never a guarantee that what you taught them today, they will remember tomorrow so you might be forced to repeat again.

This incident took me back to my years in elementary school, and I got a total perspective on the teaching profession. I realized that I was once at these kids level or lower when I was committed into the able hands of my nursery school and lower primary school teachers. I was taken there knowing nothing and it was up to them to tutor and mould me into a useful member of society. I must say, they did a very wonderful job and I am who I am today, because of them.

Their patience, understanding and kindness, created a person who can impact society. This applies to all professionals that we see today or in days gone by. The Bill Gates, Isaac Newtons, Mark Zuckerbergs, the Wright Brothers, Bill Grahams of this world and many more went through the hands of a teacher. All doctors, engineers, professors, pilots, lawyers, musicians, actors even those who do what looks like less prestigious jobs, all are the products of a teacher somewhere. I now begin to understand as well as appreciate, what my dad (a retired teacher), went through.

This moment I choose to celebrate all teachers in the world at whatever level and salute them for a job well done. Allow me to mention Miss Julia and Mrs Grace both of them were my teachers during my formative years. I challenge all of us to take a second and to remember and appreciate our teachers for we could not be who we are, were it not for the sacrifice(s) and dedication – despite the hard conditions they had to work under. Hats off to all teachers. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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