‘DEPRESSION’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

In the Standard Newspaper this past week, one of the days carried the headline “Depression: Kenya’s New Health Disaster”. A WHO health report...

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In the Standard Newspaper this past week, one of the days carried the headline “Depression: Kenya’s New Health Disaster”.

A WHO health report ranks Kenyans as the sixth most depressed people in Africa. Criminologists link it to rising cases of suicide, many which go unnoticed because of fear of stigma and lack lustre response. We are, without a doubt, sitting on a time bomb.

Generations of young unemployed people who are met every morning with headlines of wanton corruption, plunder of state resources and theft. Social media has also played a big role in fanning this into flame. A lot of people living their best lives on social media have subjected one another to undue pressure and this is responsible for an increase in the cases.

I would suggest that we cut back on our use of social media, take responsibility for who/what we follow, responsibly use our social sites and occasionally put our devices down. Take time to connect with those around us and to have candid conversations.

I implore us to support those around us, support one another and encourage each other through life. We can be attentive to the changes in our friend’s lives and be willing to reach out. Buy someone lunch, give them a phone call. Whatever you do, show them that you care.

We can also control what we allow into our ears and eyes for these are the gates of the body. If what you feed on is depressing content, you will, without a doubt, live stressed and in great anguish.  On the other hand, if we join book reading clubs, play games together, join sports and deliberate on how to solve the challenges that we face as a society, we will be an unstoppable force.

So, ttep out there and show some love to those around you. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world.To get a female perspective on this, please read Mercy’s post HERE

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