A young boy was playing on the beach. Having been brought up by parents who were both teachers, every moment was a learning moment and...

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A young boy was playing on the beach. Having been brought up by parents who were both teachers, every moment was a learning moment and class could be anywhere, anytime.

While his parents were basking in the coastal sun, he wandered off, close to the where the waves were breaking. The sand around that area is usually wet and can be moulded. The boy took a small stick and started scribbling on the sand the things he had learnt in school but every time the waves swept on to the beach, all he had written would be erased by the retreating water. He spent so much time trying to compete with the water thus prompting his parents to search for him  after noting of his long absence.

As they approached where he was playing, they stopped a few feet away to see what it was that had so captured his attention. That is when the father noticed what the boy had been trying to do. He walked over to his son and tapped him on the shoulder. The boy was startled and jumped up. Putting his hand on his shoulder, the dad lovingly told the boy these words ” My son, what you are trying to do is an exercise in futility because all that you are writing on the sand is close to where the waves are breaking, so every time a wave breaks, the water flows back into the ocean carrying with it the sand grains that had formed whatever you had written. Anything you write on the sand will be erased by water, wind or the feet of the people walking there”.

These are the same words I would love to share with all if us. Most of us fail to achieve our dreams because we have not written them down nor have we written them in the wrong places. It could be in our friends, family, workmates, our religion, our backgrounds, the environment we live in, our government … name it. These and many more are very risky areas to write our visions for the can change in a flash.

You can never trust anybody else with your dreams and visions. The best places to write our visions is on paper and then transfer them to our hearts and minds. That way, we are assured of its safety and access any time. Visions are very sensitive and they need to be handled with a lot of care. My concluding question is this” Where have you written your vision?  To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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