On ‘WHAT SHE SAYS vs WHAT I HEAR’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

A colleague penned this as his status on Facebook and it left me in stitches. “Women are and will forever be the most complicated creatures. One minute,...

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A colleague penned this as his status on Facebook and it left me in stitches. “Women are and will forever be the most complicated creatures. One minute, she is giving you a thorough and well researched lecture on the importance of communication and the next she is sprinkling “NOTHINGS” to everything you say, yet her face looks like it wants to explode” Lool. We love you ladies, that notwithstanding.

We try to understand what you mean, without you saying it. While growing up, I was reliably informed, should you wish to do something e.g. go out with your boys, then you ask your woman if it’s ok to leave and if she replies “It’s ok, do whatever you want to do.”  Then guys, this IS NOT OK. I repeat, THIS IS NOT OK, whatever you do, do not do whatever you wanted to do. Instead, change your plans. Stay with her, order pizza, watch a movie. Just be there with her.

With women, I guess it’s important for us men, to pay attention to that which is unspoken, to discern the mood and act according to the temperature in the environment. It’s hard sometimes I know, but a man’s got to do, what a man’s got to do.

Another case in point is if you go out to a restaurant with your girl and you ask her what she will have and then she decides not to order food, suggesting she is not hungry. Just assume she meant she is more interested in eating your food. As soon as your meal arrives, she will help herself to more than half your food. Count yourself lucky if she does not. If she does, do not be upset, it is what it is.

This week was Valentines. I hope you realise that it did not matter whether she told you that she did not care about valentines. Guys, I hope you stepped out there, grabbed some flowers, a card, a bottle of wine, a bar of chocolate. Whatever you think will make her happy. Shower her with your love

Until we meet again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective, check out Mercy’s post HERE

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