On ‘WHAT IS YOUR IDENTITY’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

What is it that you identify with first as an individual? Is it your gender, family, faith, age, tribe or nationality? What is it?

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What is it that you identify with first as an individual? Is it your gender, family, faith, age, tribe or nationality? What is it?

Historical injustices and societal pressure have left a lot of people confused and others struggling with identity crises. This has influenced what we shun and what we are quick to embrace. What do you identify with as a person? Let me know below.

I pen this with a lot of respect and a lot of reverence for your beliefs and your upbringing, being cognizant of the challenges we have faced as a nation, what we have overcome as a people and what we have become as a human race.

In my opinion, communities are the bedrock upon which an individual’s identity is found. We galvanize and aggregate towards those who we believe face similar challenges as we do and those we believe aspire to achieve interests similar to ours. We then use these groupings/communities to push for the reforms we desire.

Some unite along the lines of gender, faith, family, language, tribe, nationality etc. What informs your ideology? From which grouping do you derive your identity?

I remember I used to struggle a lot with my identity, denying what I truly was until I found peace. Nowadays, I laugh at what I was struggling with. I cannot even believe it; however I understand why it was hard. Since I broke loose, I have never looked back. For those struggling with their identities, please seek help.

When I did, I learnt to recognize others as human beings in need of love, affection and with similar ambitions as I do. I learnt to forgive all those who made me dislike who I was. I realized they actually were projecting their insecurities on me. That revelation was the genesis of my liberty. Treat each other with respect, honour and spread love. Let’s use our differences to colour the universe with love. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this,  read Mercy’s post HERE

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