This may sound like a crazy question and understandably so. I thought the same and the reason being, colours are only found and visible on...

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This may sound like a crazy question and understandably so. I thought the same and the reason being, colours are only found and visible on physical and tangible things. You can never tell the colour of air or the colour of thoughts, or the colour of love or hate yet we get to see so much of their effect  even when we cannot touch, hold or feel them.

Opportunities are not physical or tangible things. They are not something you can touch or feel so this question will naturally leave people intrigued. I have heard often times people saying they are looking for opportunities or are waiting for an opportunity. Naturally, you look or wait for something that has features unique to it so that when it appears, you will recognize it. So if people are looking or waiting for opportunities, it means it has physical characteristics which makes it easy to identify them and hence this question “What is the colour of opportunity?”

Thomas A Edison said something very profound “Many people miss opportunity because it comes dressed in overalls and it looks like work.” Many people have been looking for opportunities for the longest of time without finding them because they have a mindset on how it should look like. Some think it should have a huge salary, a nice car, good house allowance package and so forth. So if by any chance opportunity presents itself minus one of this qualities, they dismiss it.

 Opportunity can be found any where. It might be exam failure, business failure, relationship failure, sickness and in some extreme cases, the loss of a relative or close person. It can also present itself as a big challenge which looks insurmountable. We need to train our mental eyes to recognize the color, shape, size, dress code and even the areas that opportunity frequents. Many of us have bypassed opportunity along the way or even in the neighbourhood because of its physical appearance.

Inside every challenge, therein is packaged a big opportunity to change our lives and that of the entire human race but our eyes need to be trained on how to see, recognize and then act on it. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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