FEMALE PERSPECTIVE – Men vs Women on Social Platforms By Mercy Karumba

A study last year conducted by Microsoft revealed that Women use social media sites far more than men. Men however, are far better...

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A study last year conducted by Microsoft revealed that Women use social media sites far more than men. Men however, are far better at networking and building relationships on social platforms. This is because women use social media to connect and communicate their feelings, whereas men are more focused on their social media content .

One thing we cannot deny is that social media has become a part of us, irrespective of age and gender. Whether we are active or not ,it affects us directly or indirectly. What would be wise for us to do, is to maximize the benefits that it brings such as connecting us globally. If your focus is business then social media is perfect to increase one’s market niche. If it is research or increase in knowledge of a particular people or area, social media provides that information. Nowadays, it is even more common for people to make lifelong friends and even partners on social media.

Most social media sites are aimed at creating a network. This has been successful in most sites looking at the increased number in terms of presence and followers. But alas,every rose has a thorn. Sadly, there has also been many cases of cyber bullying which in unfortunate and extreme cases, end up with a suicide. At a time of political tension, social media has also been used to spread hate more than love, even leading to death.

What is crucial is wisdom, exercising self-control (for both genders), as well as protecting your privacy. This is where ladies need to be cautious too. How well is social media working for or against you? It all lies in your keyboard right now. To get a male perspective on this, please read my colleague, Mitchell’s post HERE

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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