On ‘THE MISSING TILE’ By Mwangi Ndegwa

Every one of us would love to live in a nice house, with an own compound where we can enjoy our privacy. Owning a house...

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Every one of us would love to live in a nice house, with an own compound where we can enjoy our privacy. Owning a house is usually among the priority things that many people want to do. The beauty of a house comes out with the finishes; the paint, the decorations, terrazzo, tiles, beautiful curtains and so forth. In construction, a house is deemed habitable once the basics are in place. These include the walls, the roof, doors, windows and a well made floor. But human beings with their eyes more on the fair, rather than the quality, will believe the house is incomplete if those dashes of attractive colors and final trimmings are not in place.

One man was constructing a house for his family and during the quotation for the tiles, the contractor miscalculated so when the masons were laying the tiles, they realized that just one tile was missing, only one and it was to be fitted at the furthest corner of the house. This man had two choices: either move into the house despite the missing tile or, accept it was a small blip that could not in any way affect the quality of the house and besides, the absence of the tile could not in any way, stop other activities in the house from continuing.

I believe that many, if not all of us, have found ourselves in such situations. You want to do something but just one small thing crops up. Maybe it was a miscalculation or unavailability of the same. Perhaps its a business one wants to start but just one thing is missing, or a course you want to take but you don’t have all the finances required. One can choose to allow this to stop you or you can choose to proceed despite the unexpected challenge.  My parting shot: don’t allow a missing tile to stop you from enjoying your new house. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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