As a young entrepreneur, I have experienced both support and being despised at, by those closest to me. When starting a business, we all begin enthusiastically...

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As a young entrepreneur, I have experienced both support and being despised at, by those closest to me. When starting a business, we all begin enthusiastically and, with a going concern. You always begin assuming your friends and family will be your first customers. This may be true though is often proven false.

There are those who are enthusiastic about your vision just as you are. There are friends who are there to support you financially, others will always be willing to buy your new products even when they barely need them. Some will be referring potential customers your way and they become your unpaid brand ambassadors, Some friends will be there as your advisory council, always telling you what to invest in next, where to keep away, the partnerships to make. Then, there are those friends and family who are just there to take advantage of your skill.  They are not there for support but rather, simply to be identified with you for the benefits.

What kind of friends are we? Are we the ones who just identify a friend who is an MC and want to use him/her at an event without even catering to their transport? Are we the kind of friends who are always bargaining for products from our friends without even covering the cost they incurred just because we know they are generous? Are we the ones always taking the goods and services on credit just because we can get away with it?

Let’s be real friends not just emotionally but in business as well. It counts a lot. There are amazing friendships that have been made through business.

Challenge & support your friends;  don’t ask for free stuff, pay for it, attend their shows, be the first to buy their products and promote their ideas – that is the sign of true friendship. To get a male perspective on this, read Mitchell’s post HERE   


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