‘CHANGE THE WAY YOU BEHAVE; Change the way you think’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

If you continue on the same path, doing the same things, then you will end up exactly where you think you are going. If you...

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If you continue on the same path, doing the same things, then you will end up exactly where you think you are going. If you don’t like that, then you have to change the way you behave and change the way you think.

I see groups of young people organize, initially set out to do good however, because of ill advice, they end up becoming frustrated. I don’t know why my generation thinks it is better than the former and therefore can learn nothing from it. They regard the previous generation as only being good to be bashed, blamed and then  sidelined.

We must learn to work across generations. There is a lot of wisdom and perspective I can promise you, you will learn by honouring our seniors and seeking their counsel. When building teams, I would advise that rather than selecting our friends and peers, opt for a healthy mix of the young and old, male and female, different personalities and encourage divergent ideas to find one goal.

You will learn conflict management, problem solving, team development and so forth, much better.

If you do not like what is happening to your cash flow for example, associate with those who excel at it and by association, you will learn a lot of things. If your relationship(s) are suffering, seek  and associate with those whose relationships you admire. Be mature and deliberate about your life. You are solely responsible; you are the captain of your soul, the master of your destiny

Be sure to catch my colleague’s article on the female perspective. You will learn a lot. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female’s perspective on this, read Mercy’s post HERE


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