“If only I had a mom like Linda…” My friend uttered as she dragged me closer to her neighbor’s door step. “Why do you say...

2001 0
2001 0

“If only I had a mom like Linda…” My friend uttered as she dragged me closer to her neighbor’s door step. “Why do you say that?” I asked. “She is one of the most responsible and respectable women I have met in my life.”  she responded. I was about to ask for further elaboration when she beckoned for me to stop speaking and listen.

From inside the house, I could hear a conversation between Linda and her eight year old daughter Lily. Linda’s daughter was trying to find out from her mother why her Sunday school teacher had told her that their house cannot be a home without them. Her mother laughed lightly and told her “I’m afraid your teacher was right. Our house cannot be called a home without their being love and care for everyone. If you’ve had a bad day at school you  will come here and speak with daddy or me and you will find peace of mind. If it was just the house and we were not here then it could not be called a home for you. The house cannot listen to your struggles and be there for you. It cannot love and care for you. There is a need for that human touch for it to be called a home.”

“Wow!” replied the little girl, so daddy and you are my home. I thank God for the both of you mummy” She said. “We are happy to have you too, baby.” Her mother replied.

“That is what is called teaching your child to be a better person in society. This lady is there for her daughter, teaching her and guiding her. I hope I will be such a mother” My friend said as she slowly knocked on the door.

From that mother, daughter conversation, I realized that home is not the structure. It is the people within that structure. It is at home where one finds peace after a stressful day. It is where one finds comfort, unconditional love and support, irrespective of what the world has to offer. It is where one wants to be, to enjoy an environment free of juddgment and criticism.

We are the home to those whom we love and care about and thus we ought to make it worthwhile. The good thing about nature is, it gives back what we feed it. If we give a good home to our loved ones, we will, in return, get a good and comfortable one for ourselves. We always attract what we reflect. If you want a good home, then be the good home. To read more posts by Gertrude, click HERE

Photo Credit: http://www.hergivenhair.com

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