Words of Wisdom from My Father – By Mwangi Ndegwa


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I have seen so many people especially the youth, do things in the heat of the moment. Many usually rush into something simply because it’s the “in” thing. Others do it to fit in. Most end up full of regret because they got into things without questioning the authenticity of what they are doing.They never take time to weigh the pros and cons of it.
This may apply in all walks of life. It might be in school, at work, in social and religious gatherings. We usually follow blindly what our so called friends are doing without questioning them because we don’t want to appear to be going against the majority.
The weight of it all is in this: if what we are doing today were a crop we were planting, would we enjoy the fruits there off? If not, then we have to be prepared to be different; we have to go against the majority. We have to be prepared to fly solo because the rest may not be flying towards our direction.
So in all that we do, the question on our minds should be: will I be proud of what I am doing today, five, ten years down the line? Will what I am doing, be beneficial to me or will it come back to haunt me? Armed with this foresight, we will never regret our past when we get in to our future.
My parting shot: In all that you do, have your end goal and future in mind. I hope we all have something that we have learnt. I’ll be seeing you soon right here. All the best in all your endeavours. With best wishes from, Mwangi To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE
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