On ‘LOYALTY’ By Gertrude Nyatichi

Brandon is my neighbor’s youngest son. I would say he is around five years old, if not six. Well, for the observer that...

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Brandon is my neighbor’s youngest son. I would say he is around five years old, if not six. Well, for the observer that I am, he is a bright young boy who can probably tell who you are, by watching and listening to you. Earlier that evening, I had arrived home early and was going about my business when this conversation grabbed my attention.

Mike: Hey B, you are too much into that dog. You should go play with the boys some times.

Brandon: You are right dad, about playing with the boys but Shark (His dog) comes first.

Mike: He is just a dog B. Someday you will not bother with him. He will be old and won’t be as cute as he looks.

Brandon: Oh yeah? Dad, do you mind describing your kind of real friend to me?

Mike: I don’t.  My type of real friend should be able to have my back; he or she should offer me a listening ear and most importantly, should be loyal to me. (Thinking) Just like a dog is to its master.

Brandon: (Smiling) Wow! Loyal as a dog is to its master. (Looking straight at his dad) Dad, are you serious?

Mike: Of course I am.

Brandon: So you are saying your real friend is someone like a dog. (Shaking his head like in agreement) I see… (Sarcastically)

Mike: (A little worried) What is it son? Why all the questions?

Brandon: I am just trying to understand dad. So, your best friend should be like a dog, yet Shark is just a dog. He will soon be old and someday he will be old to the point I will outgrow him. It sounds interesting dad. (With a disappointed look)

Mike: (Shocked) B, you got it all wrong. That is not what I meant.

Brandon: So what exactly did you mean? By the way, I got to ask, are you like a dog?

I still have hardship wrapping my mind around that question. I wonder what he thought of and why he would ask such a question. It was very innocent but striking. The expression on his face was very expectant but priceless. I am not the type to snoop but for this, I had to move closer to the fence.

It was very intense. My neighbor couldn’t defend himself before his little boy. Before I could hear more, my cat disrupted them and their attention shifted to the dog that was glaring at the cat with those eyes bearing the expresstion “Do not come any closer”. I wish I had found out how it ended but for the little I overheard, I appreciate little B.  One would probably be thinking that he is too young to make such an observation. That is what I thought too, while listening to that conversation. That said, just like little B, I got to ask you: Are you loyal like a dog?  To read more posts by Gertrude, click HERE

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