As a man thinketh in his heart so he is. What we are today is the yield and harvest of thoughts implanted into our minds over the years. No wonder our mentors & advisors are particularly insistent that we should be selective and wary of the company that we keep. After all, we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most of our time with.
The universe we live in, is greatly interconnected in the realm of the soul, where the soul of the universe connects the soul of the desert to the soul of the sea and the soul of the jungle, all of which consummates in the human soul. Whatever happens is governed by the energies we emit into the universe
Whatever thoughts we entertain are bred herein the realm of the soul and the human soul emits, corresponding energies to the universe as a magnetic field posing questions to the universe and drawing responses as iron filings to the source of this magnetic field. These thoughts reset our subconscious mind that governs our day to day dealings and structures the muscle memory to run on auto pilot influencing all our decisions
No wonder when you commit yourself to a cause, you get results. Unexpectedly, you draw assistance from the least expected quotas and you wonder wow, how did that happen. Sometimes you think you are lucky. I would urge you to develop your mind and feed it with the diet you would like to see bear fruit in your life.
Surround yourself with men of wisdom to influence your decisions, as with a multitude of counselors, a man is safe. You can wage war and reputable commanders will equip your battalion guaranteeing your victory in the conquest of life. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, please read Mercy’s post HERE