It is said that life is what we live between B (birth) and D (Death) which is C (Choices). The choices we make over the...

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It is said that life is what we live between B (birth) and D (Death) which is C (Choices). The choices we make over the years is often what determines the quality of the life that we live.

Big choices such as marriage, parenting, career and so forth, come with a package of responsibility and consequences. Other Choices such as engaging in certain lifestyle habits come with their lifelong consequences such as addictions. Whereas some day to day choices such as time and financial management determine both our productivity in the short, as well as  the long term. 

We often forget to consider the consequences of the choices we are making until we go through the brunt of our decisions. While growing up,  we often blame parents, guardians, siblings and the blame is often shifted to them. However, the older we grow, the more the consequences are vested upon us.

It is wise to always think before we leap. Make sure we are well-informed and at peace with our decisions before taking a step. Remember, no one is there to shoulder the blame and even if there’s someone, it won’t continue for so long. In other words, we are solely responsible for  the choices we make. What choices are you making today? Have you thought critically about their impact on tomorrow?  To get a male perspective on this, please read Mitchell’s post HERE

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