We come in different sizes, distinct shapes, different preferences and diverse tastes and that, my friends, is the...

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We come in different sizes, distinct shapes, different preferences and diverse tastes and that, my friends, is the whole essence of life. We like to weigh in on people’s choices and occasionally pass our opinions on what they should or should not do. This is encouraged often, however do we all know where to draw the line?
I have a friend whose workmates were driven by envy and liked digging into her affairs, especially on issues that didn’t concern them and, while anger is cruel and fury overwhelming; who can stand before jealousy? It has driven many nuts. This reminds me about how accurate the teacher’s words were “I saw that all labour and success spring from one person’s envy of another. This too is meaningless; a chasing after the wind”
We’ve seen friendships broken, colleagues betrayed when others overstepped their mandate or jurisdiction and went on to volunteer unwarranted and distasteful counsel without understanding why people do what they do.  I know about a case where a gentleman continually bashed a certain couple, for not having children, four years after they were married and he went on and on, ranting on about how society’s values today are lopsided. Unknown to him, the couple had tried twice and had, had two miscarriages. Just imagine
I would beckon none to make ignorant remarks but to respect people for their choices. If you would like to add your voice; spare sometime to understand what led to the decisions being made, then offer your hearty counsel.  As for those on the receiving end, sift the voices that come your way. Opinions are like noses, some are small, some are big, some are clean, and others are filled with filth. Pick what is beneficial. I wish you all the best. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, please read Mercy’s post HERE
Photo Credithttps://pepnewz.com
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