It has been said over and over again that the stability and strength of any building is dependent upon its foundation. If there...

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It has been said over and over again that the stability and strength of any building is dependent upon its foundation. If there is a problem with the foundation, it does not matter how strong or beautiful the house is, that house is not safe for occupation. It is important to get everything right from the word go. The foundation is basically below the ground so if there needs to be any repair work to be done, the whole structure has to come down and this is not an easy process, taking into consideration the loss of materials and time during that initial construction and the financial implications. The materials used also matter a lot because they have to carry all the weight of that building including the occupants.

We are all, work in progress and every single day some construction work is going on. We may work hard to beautify our latter years but the stability and success of all that is often determined by what we do in our formative years; those years when we are still energetic and have time to spare.

If we get things right from the word go, the rest of the work is easy. Before you do anything, be it studies, business, relationship or any other endeavour, you need to ask yourself how strong is the foundation on which I am building my goals? If there is an issue, then rectify this before you progress with any other construction workn being built on top of this foundation. Get it right from the word go and you will be right, all the way. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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