The success or failure of any relationship is unique to that couple. That is, no relationship is typically the same as the other...

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The success or failure of any relationship is unique to that couple. That is, no relationship is typically the same as the other and the reasons behind success or failure often varies with the persons involved. 

However, there are certain aspects that are common. Some of these are communication, love language, finances and values. 

COMMUNICATION – How well you are able to communicate with each other, heavily dictates the direction a relationship will take. How much does he or she feel understood. Sometimes we relate communication with talking, that one who speaks a lot expresses themselves more. But this is often not true. Communication is also about what is left unsaid and this comes from listening too. The moment you are able to read beyond what your partner is saying, then you have won the communication battle.

LOVE LANGUAGE – How much do you know about how your partner feels loved? Is it when you spend quality time with them? Is it when you buy them gifts? Is it when you do acts of service (cook, run errands, massage them)? Is it through physical touch? Is it when you offer them words of affirmation? All these things vary from person to person but it is a crucial factor that can break or build relationships and determine whether a partner feels loved/not loved in the right way.

FINANCE – Is another factor that determines the success or failure of a relationship. Many overlook this and think it is only important within marriage however, finance is important from the get go. Financial expectations and management may vary from one partner to another which may bring some fights and/or tension in the relationship.

VALUES AND PRINCIPLES – Do you share the same values and if not, have you agreed to disagree and live in peace with this? This may be religious, cultural or even personal core values. 

So the above are a lot of things to consider about although I have no doubt that there are more. What makes or has made your relationship succeed or fail?  Share with us below. To get a male perspective on this, please read Mitchell’s post HERE

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