I believe all of us are conversant with computer viruses. And as is with their biological namesake, a virus is basically a foreign...

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I believe all of us are conversant with computer viruses. And as is with their biological namesake, a virus is basically a foreign “thing” that sneaks into a system and starts interfering with normal operations of that thing or organism.

Computer viruses are basically programs just like any other installed program that have been given the wrong commands. The moment you click on it, you have basically activated it and allowed it to start its illegal operations in your computer. Viruses are very destructive and can destroy a whole company and even a whole country. We’ve heard about incidences where even popular entities like Facebook have been severely affected by them. This has led programmers to come up with antivirus tools to clean and protect computers from these malicious programs.

Computers are prototypes of the human mind. In the same way that computers cannot operate without installed programs, the same is true that our minds cannot operate without programs. The only difference is that the human mind’s programs come from the things we hear and are often implanted from birth and throughout our lives. So the human mental program installation is a continuous process. It is sad that much of the information we are fed especially in our formative years, are viruses clothed as useful information. Many people have missed their destiny by following these wrong information and the frustrations are causing most of the crazy things that we see being done in society today.

If by bad luck a computer is attacked by a virus, a cleanup process has to be done. Then after that, the recovery of the lost data. It is therefore imperative that for us to achieve success in life,we have to undergo a “clean up” before we attempt to do a recovery of what we have lost along the way. This clean up has to start from doing a personal audit of ourselves, knowing who we are and what our purpose is. From there,  we can start to figure out what we’ve lost and how to get it back. This is not an easy process but the benefits are well worth the effort. Purpose today to start this process today for tomorrow might be too late. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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