‘BE A PILLAR OF STRENGTH’ By Mitchell Odhimabo

Be nice to people. You don’t know what struggle they are going through. Be tender, be caring, be a pillar of strength especially...

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Be nice to people. You don’t know what struggle they are going through. Be tender, be caring, be a pillar of strength especially to the ones you love. Life can get tough at times, knock us down or really challenge our depth. Be there for your partner, be there for your friends. Be very supportive.

I have a friend who was having it rough time but just a phone call from her partner brought a smile back to her face and through that conversation, her strength was restored and 5 minutes later, she was jumping around. This case made me realize life is made of moments and it’s the little tiny things we do that paint colour and joy onto the canvas that is life.

Make it a habit to call your partner during the day, just to hear their voice and to tell them that you love them. Mention that you miss them. I understand men are great at doing that until they get married then this level of romance wanes off. Keep the fire ablaze. Send them flowers during the day, pick flowers for them after work, remind her that you appreciate her and you support what she does. This rejuvenates their strength and keeps them on the offensive ready to take on all that life has to offer.

Take it upon yourself to be the reliable, kind, and supportive friend worth having. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world.  To get a female perspective on this, please read Mercy’s post HERE

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