When we talk about support, we think about supporting others during periods of sickness, when budgets are tight, times of depression and so...

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When we talk about support, we think about supporting others during periods of sickness, when budgets are tight, times of depression and so forth. Yes, I agree, as a partner, you sign up to be a pillar of strength to your significant other in such times of need. However, this is cultivated through the small things you do for each other when things are very much okay.

How many times do you call just to hear their voice and find out how their day is going? You never know what they are going through at that time and by hearing from you, you are able to brighten them up mentally and emotionally. Just let them know that you care and love him. Only the people on the other side can tell the transformation that that call has made😉

How many times do you ask them how is work, school or business? They may not be talking about it, but probably there is something out of place that may need your input and/or advice and by asking you show them that you care and are interested in their affairs.

How many times do you find out how their family is doing? The family is a significant part of your partner’s life, probably someone is unwell, maybe there are financial needs that may be stressful, or probably there are issues within the family that can be a source for stress.

How many times do you ask about their dreams and goals in life? This may sound far-fetched but it is one of the most important areas of a person’s life. Your dreams and goals and the progress at the moment determine the level of satisfaction. The moment you know and genuinely support your partner in what they want to achieve, then you help build their future and you off-load a burden.

Becoming a pillar of strength to someone takes selflessness and genuine love. This is not just for spouses but for friends, family and other people in our lives. Call someone up and find out how they are doing, be concerned about the dreams and aspirations of others, become the flow of wisdom and most importantly, strive to be a pillar of strength at all times.   To get a male perspective on this, you can read Mitch’s post HERE 

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