‘WHO SAID?’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

The human race is marred with stereotypes that prejudice us for or against a certain opinion and we end up subconsciously biased in...

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The human race is marred with stereotypes that prejudice us for or against a certain opinion and we end up subconsciously biased in certain situations and today we are penning this article as a tribute to this. Personally, I will write about the situations that seemed rather odd to me and made me realize I was prejudiced on what they call these days “Unconscious bias”.

Who said Women that do not eat?  A friend was telling me that he had a housemate who had the appetite of a man. That is to say, the philosophy that governed her life could be easily summarized by “eat to finish” Apparently, she would eat together with the family and exercise restraint. After everyone else had gone to sleep, she would wake up at night and eat the food that was left over and in the morning, she still complained about hunger. Lol. Quite the appetite right there

Who said Women are poor time Keepers? I know so many women who are never late, always on time whether for social or official occasions. I cannot begin to express how much I love that. I am not sure who came up with the illusion about women not knowing how time passes them by thereby okaying the practice of being late. That is just not ok. I know if you want to be on time, you will be.

Who said Men cannot multitask?  I know many men who are masters of the art and I also know women who just cannot do it. I have a friend who can’t even talk while driving and she’s a woman. I have never seen that anywhere else. If you distract her while she’s having food, she can even miss her mouth. It’s magical.

There are so many misconceptions that we may need to revisit and I will always encourage us to assess everyone on an individual basis before we can formulate opinions about others.  Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, please read Mercy’s post HERE

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