In this life, there is a higher probability of getting a NO more than the Yes. And that is normal and something we should embrace....

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In this life, there is a higher probability of getting a NO more than the Yes. And that is normal and something we should embrace. However, in reality this is not the case, it becomes so difficult to accept and embrace the rejection that comes with a NO. It’s not any easier telling someone NO when we really mean it. But how do we overcome this reluctance to say no?

Be true to yourself.
Many a time, in the quest to get acceptance, we are pushed to say yes to requests we most definitely don’t agree with. In the long run, we end up losing our dignity. Sometimes we need to say to ourselves, “if it’s not right for me then it’s not worth pleasing the other person. “Even in relationships, what you value matters a lot and it’s okay to say NO to your spouse.

A NO does not necessarily say I hate you
Sometimes we interpret a NO to mean I hate you or I don’t value you. This is not necessarily true. It’s good to respect the feelings and opinions of the other person without feeling repelled. The moment you accept their opinions then you will know that it’s all out of love.

Say NO without being rude/sarcastic
You know how it feels getting a NO, and how hurtful it is. How about getting a rude or sarcastic NO? It’s heartbreaking right? It’s very possible to say no to your spouse without necessarily hurting them. The best relationships are the ones that agree to disagree, meaning once in a while, someone will say NO, but it has to be out of love.

So, this is life, alot of NOs will come our way, it’s how you handle it that matters. On the other hand, you need to be true to yourself and say NO when you need to. But remember to be polite and consider the other person’s feelings.  To get a male perspective on this, please read Mitchell’s post HERE

Photo Credit: noirecare.com

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