On ‘IF I WERE A BOY’ By Mercy Karumba

Would I be a cute, sweet boy or would I be the masculine, confident kind?  Would I be the gentle kind or the...

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Would I be a cute, sweet boy or would I be the masculine, confident kind?  Would I be the gentle kind or the macho kind? Would I be the one who winks and calls out to cute girls passing by? (Lol) It is rather funny to imagine what kind of boy I would be?

If I were a boy, I would probably be more extrovert and all out. I’d want to be the best in small talk and then most likely, my writing would come in handy to make sure that girl knows how I feel. All the pickup lines that I find so lame right now would make far more sense you know. I would still write love letters to her even if this practice is sadly outdated.

Oh my queen would be so protected and loved! I would be the king of surprises. She would never be able to predict what and when I remind her that she is  the best thing in my life. You know the only ‘bean’ in my githeri, that would actually be real.

I would grow up expected to be the man, good at decision making and ready to stand up to the task in hand. The phrase  “no man, no cry” would have been repeated so many times that my emotional me would have no chance to emerge. And no I would not  have the privilege of being late (no time for make-up allowed you see),  nor would I be excused for being moody, from time to time.

If I were a boy, I wonder; would I know all the names of all the players and their teams in the UEFA league? Hanging out and staying up late with the boys, because I am not expected to be home before dark? Or dealing with girls who are after you but don’t want to say it out loud – this must be the hardest part.  

But I am a girl,who really respects the men and boys in my life. It actually takes a lot to be male; far more responsibility than I thought. I salute all the boys/& men out there.  Check out my colleague Mitchell’s perspective on  ‘If I was a girl’  – Click HERE 

Photo credit: Johnson-mccormick.com 

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