In my continuous journey across my beautiful country Kenya, I get to see some very wonderful, spectacular and awesome features. They range from...

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In my continuous journey across my beautiful country Kenya, I get to see some very wonderful, spectacular and awesome features. They range from vegetation to natural features like rocks or caves to animals, valleys to mountains. I came across this piece of rock and I couldn’t help clicking away. It has a beautiful pattern on it well crafted by nature. As I was admiring it, something struck my mind: There was a lesson to be learned.

To many people, this is just a piece of rock which sometimes is seen as a nuisance. Others will see a quality ballast which they can use for construction or paving of their driveway. But there is a group of people who will look at it and see it as it can be not as is. In this group belongs a very special community from Western Kenya called Kisii or another from Eastern Kenyan known as the Kamba or even Michelangelo or Pablo Picasso. These are people who when they look at a piece of rock or wood, they see a beautiful carving of an animal, person or a physical feature. They don’t see something in its present state but rather, what it can become.

All of us have rocks in our lives  in the form of challenges or opportunities. The determining factor of the value we are going to get out of them is what we see them as can be. If you have money, you can see it as a medium of exchange and spend it. You can also use the eyes of Picasso and carve out a fortune in form of an investment. We need to train our eyes to not only see but perceive. There is more to a thing than just one or two dimensions we see with our physical naked eyes. We need to see with our mental eyes and see beyond the obvious. Learn to see something as it can be not as it is.  To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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