Advancement in technology has  revolutionised  our way of doing things. This applies to nearly every sector of our lives. You no longer need...

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Advancement in technology has  revolutionised  our way of doing things. This applies to nearly every sector of our lives. You no longer need to go looking for pen and paper to write a letter; an electronic mail (email) will suffice. You no longer need to wait for days or weeks to receive your mail; this is now delivered in real time. You no longer need to go to the bank looking for a banker’s cheque or even risk moving around with liquid cash in your possession to make payments. All you need is a phone connected to a service provider and you are sorted out to make any payment you wish to make.

As a country progresses, there are some vices that will still trail it; crime being top of the list. This has led top security providers to try & find effective ways of dealing with crime. It is much easier to catch a criminal by using the most modern method – DNA. This had been hailed as one of the most progressive  methods but it has one shortcoming; there has to be somebody’s residue left e.g hair,blood or even sweat. This leaves the oldest method the most effective yet; fingerprint. 

Fingerprints have been hailed as the most foolproof method of identifying a culprit. All that is needed is for the culprit to touch the surface of a place, thing or someone. No single person has identical fingerprints patterns as another even if they were born identical twins. What this means is that your fingerprints are your true identity and nobody born before, now or after today will ever have the exact fingerprints. And in the same way that your fingerprints are unique to you, same way you were created unique. Nobody can be you and nobody can do things the way you can do them. You might be a musician, actor, engineer, doctor, architecture, writer and so forth, whatever you are gifted in, there are many that are gifted in the same field as you, but you have a unique touch that sets you apart from the rest.

So, do not allow anything or anybody to divert you from being the unique person you that our Creator made from the very beginning. Do not deny the world that uniqueness, that special touch. Remember that this world is not complete without your contribution and you can only be effective if you remain in your original identity. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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