This month seems to be flying by. I must admit I am yet to finish wishing some of my folks a Happy New...

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This month seems to be flying by. I must admit I am yet to finish wishing some of my folks a Happy New Year, in person.

I know many of us at the stroke of midnight into 1st January, made so many resolutions some  of which, I dare say, are or will not be achievable. Not because they cannot be achieved but rather, owing to the fact that many of us do not have the necessary capacity to do so.

I know many of us still nursing hangovers from December let alone, the New Year. We still believe we can party a little longer for we still have over eleven months to go. Yes we have resolutions and goals we’ve set for ourselves but I wonder how many of us have attached timelines to them?

Timelines usually give a sense of urgency to any situation that we set out to do and the less the shorter the timeline, the faster and better we are able to accomplish it. We can never attain the kind of future that we want if we are still stuck at the starting line. A ship can never reach its set destination if it is still anchored at the harbour. It is only until the anchor is drawn, that the ship starts its voyage.

I believe we are like a ship set for sail but if we have not made any tangible moves within the first ten or so days of the new year, then all we have are nothing more than wishes. We need to have positive ambition in life because it is only ambition that has fire hot enough to spur us into action. As I conclude, let me beseech you to all draw your anchor and set sail. Much awaits you and it will not happen until you move.  Move from the planning table into the field or market place and start actualizing your set goals.  To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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