GIVE DAY IN DAY OUT – By Mwangi Ndegwa

Its been a long holiday season and soo many activities have been going on. I love to watch and observe things as they happen and...

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Its been a long holiday season and soo many activities have been going on. I love to watch and observe things as they happen and as people go on with their businesses. I get to learn so many things from such.

As people geared up for the long festive season, I saw something that has replayed itself for as long as I can remember. The less fortunate members of our society suddenly gain prominence. Every body remembers their existence and I must confess that some, if not most of them, seem shocked by the sudden interest in them. Our television screens and newspapers are filled with images of donors taking food, clothes, toilettries etc. While admittedly these are good gestures, I do have issues with these two things in particular:

  1. The frequency of giving
  2. The things that we give.

We have the needy and less fortunate with us all year round and I believe they need our help throughout the year so if we could at least spread our donations throughout the year instead of once, then I believe it could be of far more benefit to them. Some of the foodstuffs have a very short lifespan so if given in large quantities all at once, it ends up expiring and becoming waste. These less fortunate members of our society are mostly in need of the basic needs namely food,clothing and shelter. So I would suggest to all of us that instead of those luxuries like biscuits, sweets etc, why don’t we donate something more important like cereals which are far more beneficial health wise and can last longer.

Giving is good but let us not do it for the cameras but rather, out of caring and mindful hearts and please, let the giving be more often. Wishing you all a prosperous 2018. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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