On ‘110 METERS HURDLES’ By Mwangi Ndegwa

Sports is a very engaging and entertaining past time which has this ability to bring people together, despite their different backgrounds. Sports doesn't...

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Sports is a very engaging and entertaining past time which has this ability to bring people together, despite their different backgrounds. Sports doesn’t recognise racial, social, tribal, religious or economic boundaries. As long as you support my team you are my buddy.

I have a very strong bias towards athletics especially especially the track events. Out of these, I pick out the 110 meters hurdles. For those that don’t know,  this is a sprint race on a straight course in a field with ten hurdles evenly spaced out. The hurdles are 3.5 feet tall and set at a distance of 9.14 meters apart. From the blocks to the first hurdle is a distance of 13 meters.

The runners are expected to jump over every hurdle and whoever clears them all and is first to the finishing line, is declared the winner. The unique thing about this race and where I draw the lesson is that the sprinters, once off the blocks, do not look at the hurdles but instead, focus on the finish line. If one makes a mistake of looking at the hurdles, you knock it down and although there is no penalty for that, it considerably slows you down and ends up costing you the race.

Life is like this race. We are all in a race, a race towards our destiny. There are many hurdles along the way. They may range from peer pressure to financial challenges. Social issues to religious issues. Politics to natural and unavoidable occurrences. These and many more, once they check in to our lives can very easily take our attention from the important thing in our lives:  OUR DESTINY. I am not saying that we ignore them but let us not put too much focus on these hurdles that we face in life. Once they appear on our path, it is important that we deal with them promptly then continue with our journey. Remember this: Hurdles are part of our lives and it is normal to encounter them however, it becomes abnormal if we make them our destination. Jump over the hurdles but keep your focus on the finishing line. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

Photo Credit: China.cn

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