Female Perspective By Mercy Karumba On ‘EATING HABITS: Men vs Women’

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen.I know ladies love ice-cream, how about guys? 🙈"Asks a lady in a whatsapp group. "Mahindi...

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“Good morning ladies and gentlemen.I know ladies love ice-cream, how about guys? 🙈”Asks a lady in a whatsapp group.

“Mahindi choma/fry.”Responds a guy in a group. (Mahindi choma is roasted maize which is a common street snack,as for the fry I guess he meant meat).

This question really defines the varying eating habits between men and women. While women tend to lean more towards light meals such as fruits,vegetables, spaghetti, rice and sweets like ice-cream and juices, men prefer heavier meals like ugali, matoke, meat,eggs etc. 

Science dictates that males have a higher metabolism compared to females hence the need for more energy. Women are more keen on their weight and will be more concerned about their calorie intake,though this is often thrown out of the window when it comes to ice-cream, cake and chocolate!

When it comes to home cooked or bought food, women often prefer to cook for themselves and if it’s about eating out, then their preference seems to lean more towards, french fries or pizza, while men (especially bachelors), prefer to have a full meal at a restaurant. Is this why a man gains weight once they marry because finally he can eat all they want in the comfort of the home and cooked by his one and only?  To get a male perspective on this, please read my colleague, Mitchell’s post HERE

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