On ‘FORGIVENESS’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

Unlike men, women are overwhelmingly emotional. I came to understand almost everything they do has feelings heavily invested in it. Men on the...

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Unlike men, women are overwhelmingly emotional. I came to understand almost everything they do has feelings heavily invested in it. Men on the other hand, are hugely analytical in their approach to life. They think through situations and whatever looks acceptable to them at the time, is what they are going to settle for.

Because of the above, men often tend to offend women far more than the other way around. It therefore goes without saying, that it is often men who have to seek forgiveness from women than women from men. It has become so ingrained in our culture, we have coined phrases to ascertain that “Women are not to be understood, only to be loved ” we have taught our boys. Be patient in affliction, slow to speak, quick to listen and ready to say sorry. When a woman is upset, our default setting is almost always sorry, often without even knowing why we apologized. As long as it enlightens her spirit and restores joy then we are quick to do it. God bless women because they are always ready to forgive us as well.

That is not to say Men do not get offended; we get upset as well and in our heads we often wonder “What is wrong with her? Why did she do this? I mean what was she thinking?” and as soon as she apologizes we forget whatever it was and move on with life. I believe it is easier for men to forget evils wrought against them than it is for our female counterparts as we do not have emotions cojoined into experiences and therefore our memory of it, is not as strong in our subconscious minds.

I have learnt the power of forgiveness cannot be overstated, on many counts it is an expression of love. Drop your pride, seek to understand your fault, apologize and forgive if wronged. The process is nothing short of magical; it liberates your heart of pain and produces healing.

If offended, go ahead and forgive. Initiate the contact and free yourself. You will be surprised by what you learn from the process. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, click link to review Mercy’s post HERE

Photo credit: http://www.onemoveforward.com

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