MALE PERSPECTIVE – On ‘What makes a true gentleman’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

Being a gentleman isn’t about what you do or what you wear; it is about how you behave and who you are. Social standing and success isn’t based...

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Being a gentleman isn’t about what you do or what you wear; it is about how you behave and who you are.

Social standing and success isn’t based upon what you own but rather, how you carry yourself through life and what you have achieved on this journey of discovery.

The modern gentleman takes pride in his appearance because the way we dress influences the way we think, the way we feel, the way we act and the way others react to us. You can have almost anything you want in life, if you dress the part.

Way back in May 2015, myself and William (a fellow ATB Brand Ambassador), had a phenomenal time absorbing tips from top image consultants: Mr Derek Bbanga and Mr Robert Burale at a Gentleman’s evening event held at the InterContinental Hotel, where we learnt a number of eye opening tips including: the psychology of colour, how to be a better man, professional dress code, how to have a sense of style and how to treat your girl like a lady.

We are all made of the same skin and bones; what separates us is what we cover over it. I am the kind of guy who doesn’t believe that chivalry is dead because I believe a woman should be treated with the utmost of respect. Some of the most powerful men in history always had one woman they respected, cherished and held in high regard.

A true gentleman is always polite and courteous to his lady, quick to respond to her calls and messages, and is always on time. A man who values his lady, values her time, opens doors and pulls chairs, stands when his lady walks in to the room and takes his seat only after she has taken hers, picks up the bill, doesn’t walk ahead of her or let her walk near the curb, he pays for her taxi home and holds her umbrella for her in the rain. Most importantly, a gentlemen doesn’t play games with ladies.

The real secret of being a gentleman is not necessarily to be rooted in old fashioned ideas but rather, to be the best version of yourself. We are all business cards; the way you dress is simply how you first introduce yourself to the world. Projecting a positive image for business will give you an edge in today’s competitive market. The above is an excerpt from the Gentleman’s evening held at the InterContnental hotel, Friday 29 May 2015.

So, until we speak again. Welcome to a man’s world. From Mitchell Odhiambo. To get a female perspective on this, please click HERE to read views by myATB colleague, Marilyne Kiptoo


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