‘WOMEN AND THEIR CHOICES’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

As I often say, Men are binary; very easy to handle. You can almost tell what to expect from them. Women on the...

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As I often say, Men are binary; very easy to handle. You can almost tell what to expect from them. Women on the other hand; Cheeiiii. My goodness. Oestrogen is not an easy thing to handle. 

Imagine you are out shopping with a girl, then she has to decide which shoes to buy. If you had a meeting to go to thereafter, just cancel it my friend. Free your afternoon let me tell you. Never schedule a meeting after shopping.

There are questions as men which we often wonder about; will women ever know distinctively what they want? A friend was narrating an ordeal with his wife on a late evening as they were headed home, as they approached Galleria, the conversation began:

Wife: Honey, where do you want us to eat tonight?  I am tired & hungry

Husband: Java

Wife: No

Husband: Chicken inn

Wife: No

Husband: Planet yoghurt

Wife: No

Husband: Where do you want to eat?

Wife: It’s up to you

Husband: (Confused at this point) Ok, so what exactly do you want to eat?

Wife: You tell me. I’ll have what you have

Husband: Ok, fine. Pizza?

Wife: No

Husband: Chicken?

Wife: You are wrong

Lol. I didn’t even know you can be wrong about what you want to eat.  I have no doubt that many men have experienced something similar. If not, at least you’ve ordered food with a girl who claimed was not interested in eating (that she will only have a soda/milkshake), only to end up eating half of your food. Lol. Just smile bro. Let me tell you; that is the price you pay for being a man. 

Women love it when you give answers to the questions they ask. Provide the initiative, if not at least be assertive. When she asks what you want, give a definite answer otherwise, both of you will remain confused. This is exactly why we love women. They are very colourful. I cannot tell you exactly what goes on in their minds; whether it’s euphoria or otherwise, but I’ll suggest you peep into my colleague’s article (see link below). She has the female perspective on this. 

As for our lady friends, keep up. Don’t even change an inch. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world.  To get a female perspective on this, check out my colleague, Mercy’s post HERE

Photo Credit: Thyblackman.com

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