MALE PERSPECTIVE: Reasons Why Men Stare at Women By Mitchell Odhiambo

A study of 3,000 people found that the average man spends about a year of his life, just staring at women. Think about...

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A study of 3,000 people found that the average man spends about a year of his life, just staring at women. Think about that. It is normal for a man to tilt his head accordingly when his crush passes by or a beautiful woman for that matter. I am sure you’ve seen it. If a woman passes by a group of men, they altogether go silent and tilt their heads in her direction. Why is that so?

Is it subconscious? Can it be controlled? We love to behold what we don’t possess. Looking at a woman’s physique, the curves are enough to arrest our attention. We become curious and at times wonder, Mmm what if …? What was the Creator thinking when he created her? Why is she dressed like that? & so on and so forth.

Lots of questions which we  dare not ask are left lingering in our imaginations & without our knowledge. We are left staring. As preferences differ among men, what captures our attention varies. Find men discussing football or something, then different women pass by, you will notice the difference. A slender one will pass and there is a gent who will barely twist his neck and mind his own business while another watches her walk until she vanishes into the horizon. A similar reaction ensues when a plum one passes by.

What is common though I believe i.e. what hypnotizes is the curvaceous nature. There is something about curves especially in a woman’s body that can make a headache vanish. I think it is nature’s way of dishing out stress relievers. An increased heartbeat, better circulation of blood, unclogging of arteries and a healthier lifestyle for all.

I am sure there are many more reasons. Let me have your thoughts below. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world.

Photo credit: quoraacdn

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