The allure of online dating is increasingly becoming popular as we transit through a generation that is more comfortable communicating via hand held
devices, over meeting someone in person. It seems that nowadays though, even when people are out on a date, almost 60% of their time is spent on their phones. Sharing photos of the date, snap chatting, or even whatsapping. I mean look at us? There is a significant hike in dating sites’ subscriptions and that tells a story.
It has become easier for a man to DM a woman and quickly establish whether there could be romance between them and avoid the shame of being turned
down in broad daylight. How convenient for some, but very cowardly in the eyes of others. Around us, is a generation that cannot sustain human
connections but delights itself in number of Likes and social stardom. The irony becomes when behind the vain glory lies misery, loneliness & suffering. I
pray you are not in this bracket. If you are, seek help; Poverty is bad.
Given what we see on Instagram, you would think that some relationships come with a photographer as a premium package. Some are genuine & candid and we appreciate you sharing your journey with the rest of the world. My deepest condolences however, go to those who have (mis) understood this to be a
fierce competition always seeking to outdo each other. Seek some help. In Kind, I follow with a moment of silence for those who break up online and
broadcast it to their followers and my sympathies lie with those who are cropped out of photos and insulted. My love is with you bro’s. Life is
I won’t forget to mention the biggest beneficiaries of tech advancement; The long distance love birds. I know no one is happier than you to learn of
Tinder, Facebook, Whatsapp video calls, IMO, Skype and whichever technology you use to keep the flares of love alive in your relationship. I am sure
there was no greater gift for you than the boundaries of distance and time being reduced to a global village. You are very fortunate.
I would advise you to understand your partner’s personality and do as is appropriate. Some strong marriages began online, while other relationships
crushed because of online influence. Be careful about the company that you keep and the people you call your friends.
While technology is there for us to utilize, let us also embrace and retain the human touch.
Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, please click HERE to read my colleague Lillian’s views.