Curving your own path to success By Mitchell Odhiambo

Growing up, we’ve been advised, go to school, pass your exams, get a job, buy a car, get a house, find a wife,...

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Growing up, we’ve been advised, go to school, pass your exams, get a job, buy a car, get a house, find a wife, have kids and enjoy life. This has been repeated so often, we almost have a programmed generation. However; in our day we’ve seen outliers who’ve proven there is a career journey outside that pattern. It is as though the universe conspires to support those who journey the path least travelled. Take a look at Steve Jobs.

80% of the world dollar billionaires dropped out of school to pursue the vision they had. They took great risks, read a lot books and actioned the lessons they learnt  as soon as they could. A lesson replicated across the Israeli nation. Since their country’s founding, Israeli’s have been keenly aware that the future – both near and distant – is always in question.  Every moment has strategic importance.

As Mark Gerson, an American entrepreneur who has invested in several Israeli start ups described it “When an Israeli man wants to date a woman, he asks her out that night. When an Israeli entrepreneur has a business idea, he will start it that week. The notion that one should accumulate credentials before launching a venture simply does not exist. This is actually good in business. Too much time can only teach you what can go wrong, not what could be transformative.”

When you have something to do, get in there. Find mentors in that field to advise you, encompass yourself with people who are smarter than you, put in the hours, apply for that job, launch that venture, whatever it is, go ahead and do it; after years of persistence and an outpouring of passion then “overnight success” could become a reality to you.

Seek inspiration from the world’s finest, distance yourself from those who think it’s impossible, action your dreams within particular timelines, take into account the lessons you learn and have fun while at it. Like Richard Branson says; if someone asks whether you can do something, say yes, then figure how to do it later. (But I can promise you, you will have to back up your promises with action)

Get yourself a great life partner i.e. a good woman/man. I can promise you psychologists have proven, this is the most important career decision you will ever make.  Until we speak again, I am your host. Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, click HERE to read my colleague Lillian’s views

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