Women and their body image By Mitchell Odhiambo

I just laughed when my colleague asked me to write about this topic, (you should see hers) and to tell you the truth I...

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I just laughed when my colleague asked me to write about this topic, (you should see hers) and to tell you the truth I am still laughing as I write about this. It’s unbelievable.

On the one hand, there is absolutely nothing I could write about this, on the other there are a
million things going through my mind right now, something I think only men would understand. Walk with me. I’ll find the middle ground. I promise you.

We men don’t care much about our image as our female friends do. With men’s physique, it’s always black and white for us. We don’t do grey well. It’s tall or short, dark or light, body built or otherwise. You get the point? However, when you ask men about women’s bodies, you will soon understand we can differ greatly on our preferences.

A lot of arguments ensue about this being the right size, the optimal level of curvature, one’s preferences for plus size women, another’s preference for skinnies & I’ll tell you the truth, men talk a lot about that.

Some of it is evoked because men are visual. We often see women check themselves out against mirror walls in town and we just laugh. We don’t understand what is going on in there. What if you don’t like what you see, are you going to go home and change? Guess there’s a lot
about that, I will never understand. 

We love women. I’ll say that any day. Deep down within, every man has that particular physique that ministers paradise to his soul which on seeing, his mind gradually drifts into oblivion and he forgets about all the cares of this world.

Anytime you have doubts about your body weight or distribution, just ask us, we promise to be honest. We’ll make you feel like you are adorned in gold and emerald. So, until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, please click HERE to read my colleague Lillian’s views.

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