Wellness Wednesday By Patricia Mollyne Mataga ‘Know When to Talk and When to Listen’

KNOW WHEN TO  TALK  AND  WHEN TO  LISTEN Have  you  met  someone  who  talks  so  much, he/she  just  wants to  dominate  the  conversation  without giving  others an  opportunity  to  say  something?  Finding  the  right  balance  between  when to  talk  and when to  listen is crucial  to  being  able  to  maintain  your friends and  continue  developing …   Read More

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Have  you  met  someone  who  talks  so  much, he/she  just  wants to  dominate  the  conversation  without giving  others an  opportunity  to  say  something?  Finding  the  right  balance  between  when to  talk  and when to  listen is crucial  to  being  able  to  maintain  your friends and  continue  developing  your abilities.

If you  want  other  people  to  listen  to  you  then  you  need  to  listen  to  them. Think  about  how much you  talk  and  then try  to  cut down just  a little.  Make  sure  that  you  are  not  spending  more  time talking  than  you  are  listening  or that  you  are  at  least  breaking  up  the  amount  of  time  that  you  spend talking  with  some  time  listening  to other  people that  are in  your group. Try  to  seek  out  other  opinions and  ideas.  If  you  feel like  you  have  been  talking  for a long  time  then it is time  you  allow  your friends and  listeners  to  also  say  something. Make  sure  that  you  break  up  your monologues  by  asking  other people  questions  or finding  out  their opinion  about  the  topic.  Don’t  just monopolize  the  conversation.

Sure  I understand  that  you  probably  have  a lot  to  say. After  all, it’s been  a  long  time  that  you  have  just  been  sitting  in the corner  being  quiet,  but  if you  start talking  all  the  time  and  not  listening,  it  is rude. Your friends will not  like  it  and  they  will  stop  spending time  with  you.

So  each time  you  start  talking, try  to  keep track,  control yourself  and  give  others  a chance  to  say something.  You  will  learn  a  thing  or  two  from  them.   Next  time  when  you  start  to  speak,  keep in  mind  you  need  to  listen too.   

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