Planning Ahead By Mwangi Ndegwa

The drought situation in the country has dominated all media from print to electronic to online publications.

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1983 0
The drought situation in the country has dominated all media from print to electronic to online publications.
The cause of this is not that its a new phenomenon in the country.All of us know that year in year out, this situation is going to hit our country. In the past, we’ve had so many fundraising sessions from leading corporates to the celebs in our country.The sad thing is that its usually a stopgap measure for just that moment.When the rains come and the situation stabilizes,all this is forgotten until the cycle repeats itself again.
We are a country that reacts to situations instead of being proactive. As I tried to probe deeper, I found that most of us suffer from this syndrome and it goes on to affect even national issues.
We’ve been labelled a last minute country.What do you make of people going to register as voters on the last day and yet they had a whole month to do so? Or the student who parties for a whole semester then revises until three in the morning a day to the exams? Or those farmers who just idle around then rush to prepare their shambas for planting at the first sign of rain?
I am a firm believer in finishing anything one sets out to do earlier than the stipulated time because this way, you will have ample time to go over it one more time and correct any mistakes.Quality is key in everything be it in business, school,relationships or even in religion.When you do things in a rush, you overlook so many important points and sometimes due to time constraints, you have to cut corners.
My final word as I conclude are simple: Plan ahead, start early, keep your pace and quality will be the hallmark of all that you do. Avoid the last minute rush and above all, learn from previous experiences because if you don’t, you are bound to repeat the same mistakes sometimes with deadly consequences.   
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