ADVICE FOR GRADUATES - Assessment Tips Applying for jobs and going through...

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Applying for jobs and going through the recruitment and assessment process can be daunting, but you can take several actions to give yourself the best chance of success. Employers will assess you against other job candidates, but remember that you need to make a choice too. Take the opportunity to ask questions, and be sure that if you are offered a role, it is the right job and working environment for you. Take a look at our advice below, for each stage of the recruitment process and good luck!
Before Applying

Spend some time carefully evaluating whether the job is really suitable for you by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What are the demands and rewards offered by the job?
  • What does the job offer me in terms of my career prospects and interests?
  • When I look at the organisation, do I feel comfortable with their values and image?
When Applying
  • Apply in the format requested by the company (e.g., application form or CV).
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • Include any information specifically requested.
  • Make your achievements and skills clear; this is not a place for modesty.
  • Draw up a list of your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the job.
  • Ensure that you can describe yourself and your experiences in and out of work. Be prepared to give examples.
Before the Assessment

If you have special requirements, make sure the employer understands these as early as possible.

  • Make sure you understand what assessments you will be taking and what they will tell the employer about your fit to the job.
  • Preparing yourself fully and familiarising yourself with the different types of questions and timing of the tests will help you feel more relaxed in the real assessment situation, giving you a better opportunity to show your true ability.
  • Think through your strengths and weaknesses: this will be important for the interview.
During the Assessment
  • When completing assessments online, read through the instructions carefully and complete all practice and example questions.
  • When doing face-to-face exercises, assessors will be looking at how you perform on the exercises themselves, rather than how well you understand the instructions, so listen carefully to the instructions. Don’t be afraid to ask if you are unsure about what you have to do.
  • Don’t assume about how you should respond. If you try to guess what the assessors are looking for, you may be wrong. It is best to be yourself, and respond honestly. Remember that it’s not in your interest to take a job to which you are not well suited.
  • If the assessment involves interviews, team exercises, or role-playing, pay attention to your non-verbal signals, such as eye contact, facial expression, and gestures.
  • If there is more than one exercise, you will have other opportunities to show what you can do. If you feel you have performed poorly on one exercise, don’t give up. Your performance across all of them will be taken into account.
After the Assessment

Many organisations will offer you feedback, regardless of your success. This may give you insight into your strengths and areas for improvement as well as your future development. If feedback is not offered, ask if it can be made available.  Source: CEB/SHL CLICK HERE for link to original article.

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