MALE PERSPECTIVE By Mitchell Odhiambo ‘On Men’s Love ofFood ‘

'On Men's Love of Food ' By Mitchell Odhiambo A friend...

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‘On Men’s Love of Food ‘ By Mitchell Odhiambo

A friend of mine shared a photo on Instagram with a caption; spending Valentines with bae (he was alone eating Pizza). He went on to write that at least pizza doesn’t break your heart. He also marred his Facebook fan page by saying; “The difference between my ex and KFC chicken, Chicken doesn’t promise it will die for me. It is already dead. Now that is true love”.  My heart sank for him but clearly there’s some history in there.

Men love food. O boy, do we love food and my thoughts inform me it’s innate. Immediately we are born, we let out a cry and what we are given to cool us down, is breast milk. The only food we can consume then.

That remains our default setting throughout life. When stressed, we roast meat, when out for a game, food is a must have, a party is no party except where there is food. Over a business meeting, we feel happy if there’s food, when looking to seal a contract, we discuss it over food. Food is King. Food for the stomach and the stomach for food yet the Creator will destroy them both.

It has been coined that, ‘The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’. We are that vulnerable when it comes to food. There’s nothing that warms a man heart like food prepared for him by his woman, be chef or no chef, the effort alone ministers volumes. I believe the marriages that hold together for long, are the families that eat together.

Food, I hear, tastes different depending on whom you are having it with. If it is with a person you love, the meal is full of laughter and the stimuli generated, makes the meal more sumptuous. If with someone you tolerate, you may miss out on the beauty of it all, until food decides to go magisterial on you, severed relationships have been reconciled over food. That my friend, is the magic in there.

So, until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world.  CLICK HERE to read my colleague Lillian’s views on Women’s Love of Shoes.


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