Male Perspective By Mitchell Odhiambo ‘On Valentine’s Day

In my lifetime, I have not seen Men as happy about Valentine's day, as this year. Could this be because it falls on a...

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In my lifetime, I have not seen Men as happy about Valentine’s day, as this year.

Could this be because it falls on a Sunday ​or because I am a JKUAT alumnus? I have heard men claim they will attend all Sunday services and extend these further in to evening fellowship. I wonder if our West African friends share the same sentiments.

This is that time of the year corporations go lovey dovey on us. From Banks to Confectionaries to Hotels, all with ingenious ideas on how to make the day special for your loved one. This is when people self-profess doctorates in Love. You would think it a political contest

I have also seen strange advertisements; Boy Friends for hire. Are you single this Valentine? Dial *** with different packages attracting different prices. One for Dinner, a bonus for Photos with Bae (Hired Boyfriend), extra charge for holding hands. Then there are offers that will set you back Ksh 5.4 Million to spend on your loved one. Added to all this, there are also the bizzare ones such as: how to break up with Bae before Valentines? To be kidnapped before Valentine dial *** We guarantee to return you in one piece on 15th Feb. And so the list goes on.

So what is the fuss about Valentines day anyway? Men this month are excited about champions League, women on the other hand, breathe nothing else save from love flooding their male partners with suggestions on what they expect on Valentine’s day. I won’t weigh in on what Valentines should be for anyone; I will leave that to the discretion of love birds. I would however, only advise not to do the same thing year in year out. This could cause strain on your relationship.

So, I end by saying, to all the singles out there, keep hope alive. You could be married by 2017. Miracles do happen.

Happy Valentine’s Day to you all. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell. Welcome to a man’s world.

To get a female perspective on Valentine’s Day, please CLICK HERE to read my colleague, Lillian’s views


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