Female Perspective By Lillian Sudi ‘On Valentine’s Day’

‘On Valentine’s Day’ Guess what people?? It’s Valentine’s  Day tomorrow!! This news will be exciting or not; depending on which...

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‘On Valentine’s Day’

Guess what people?? It’s Valentine’s  Day tomorrow!! This news will be exciting or not; depending on which side of the fence you sit of course.

Well I have a little confession to make, I love Valentine’s Day and have loved it ever since I can remember; not necessarily because of the presence of a man in my life…it’s just one of those things that give you a tingly sensation, you know? Kinda like Christmas. I often end up spending Christmas at home in my colorful pyjamas but every time Christmas is around the corner, I get a childish excitement.

I know it’s a bit vain waiting for that one day to show that special person in your life, how much you love them but we all know that we hardly ever show them we love them anyway, and so we use this as an excuse to go all out and put a smile on the faces of the people who make up your world.

Forget about putting on red from head to toe, it might be Valentine’s but you’ll still look like a clown in those red socks you’ve been saving up; trust me. You can actually enjoy Valentine’s Day and look forward to it by doing some simple things that genuinely make the people who truly matter to you,  know just how much they really do.

If you want to take a shot in the dating scene well, Valentine’s Day was made to provide opportunities as such – okay maybe not exactly but you get the drift. You remember that girl at work who tends to smile at you every time you go for your 10am tea, then this is the moment you have been waiting for. Ask her out and close this case, once and for all. There is a higher chance of her saying yes because all her friends will probably be out on dates as well. Besides, she will want to tell a tale of just how romantic her Valentine’s Day was. So if you ever wanted to know her a bit better, this is your window.

If you have a girlfriend, you can earn yourself a get out of jail card by playing your cards well on this day. Organize a simple evening date with your significant other. If you are working on a low budget I understand, the fact that February comes right after January is a dreadful thing. Get your girl that new dress and shoes then tell her to put them on for that date you planned for. Go watch a play, have a late coffee chat and stroll around at night talking about nothing really. In light of the fact that Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday i.e tomorrow, you can bring forward your Valentine’s Day to Saturday(tonight), and just do an all night-er to Sunday. We have to work on Monday, after all.

If you are married, cook something nice for her for breakfast. There’s nothing sexier than a strong man in an apron with a kiss me print on, flipping pancakes in the kitchen plus you know you haven’t done that for a while. Ask your sister to take the kids for the weekend, take your wife out somewhere nice and just go enjoy yourselves. Reverse time to when it was just the two of you dating and flirting around. It will do a lot more good than not and I bet you she will not forget it

Finally, call up your mama and tell her you love her, and then send her some cash to buy herself a nice leso. If your relationship with your dad is just as open call him up too and tell him you love him, why not? Otherwise get him nice shoes or a watch and just send them over during the weekend…he’ll get it.  I mean Valentine’s is not that horrible if you think about it.

Perhaps it is the girl in me but I for one, am very excited about Valentines and wish you all, a Happy Valentine’s Day! From Lillian. To get a male perspective on Valentine’s, please CLICK HERE, to read my colleague Mitchell’s post. Happy Valentine’s!

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