MALE PERSPECTIVE By Mitchell Odhiambo – ‘Should you reveal your net worth to your partner?’

Should you disclose your networth to your partner? I opened this discussion in the office and before I even swallowed...

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Should you disclose your networth to your partner?

I opened this discussion in the office and before I even swallowed my tongue, there followed a frenzy with all manner of opinions being flashed between my colleagues. I found this rather interesting. What do you think? Should you disclose your networth to your partner? Would you?

A lady walked straight to my desk and said “Mitch in the present day, honesty is rare to find with the generation we have raised. Be extremely careful. As long as you have not married that woman, forget your net worth, don’t even show her your pay slip. Some of these young girls are devils. They went to university and specialized in deep sea mining. If she saves your contact with any connotation that links to your pockets, run for your life. Until you have settled you want to marry her and are proceeding to dowry negotiations, then you can come clean. Please table it before her then, so you can jointly charter the way forward”

I must say, I was not very shocked by what she said. What took me by surprise is one of the gentlemen who bellowed you shouldn’t trust anyone with your money, not even your wife. What has become of our generation? Myself? Well, I think if you can’t trust a woman with your bank details then you have no business sharing a house with her. Clearly trust is absent in that union.

From what I saw, I am sure you all have your different opinions. Feel free to share with each other and debate it out. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo To get a female perspective on this, CLICK HERE  to check out my colleague Yvonne’s views.

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