FEMALE PERSPECTIVE ‘On Why She Takes Forever To Say Yes’

On  Why She Takes Forever To Say Yes    Article shared from Quora website QUESTION. I have already proposed to a girl,...

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On  Why She Takes Forever To Say Yes    Article shared from Quora website

QUESTION. I have already proposed to a girl, and I am waiting for her response. It’s been quite some time now. Having arrived at the brink of my patience, I ask her “When are you going to say a yes to my proposal ?” She replies saying that she is yet to give it a thought. I really do not understand if there’s any underlying meaning to this kind of an answer.

ANSWER. Depending on the girl, the reply may mean one of the following:

  1. She really hadn’t thought about this aspect of relationship between you two and genuinely takes a real long time to decide. Now why she needs so much time is a different story altogether.
  2. Your proposal caught her unawares and she doesn’t want to say no because she fears she’d lose your friendship as well.
  3. Your proposal caught her unawares, while she might be getting interested in someone else, and now she’s evaluating all the options (you, the other guy, or no one yet)
  4. She may be trying your patience

You gotta tread lightly. So what you gotta do? Assure her that you can take a no without affecting the current relationship. At least that’d help her get honest with you about what she really has in mind. Do remember that no one’s obliged to accept a proposal. After all, everyone has their own priorities in life and what they want out of it. To get a male perspective on What to do when she takes forever to say YES, click link – http://goo.gl/jL0Q70 

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