Female Perspective By Lillian Sudi ‘On Dancing’

'On Dancing' I am not a party animal, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the party scene. I’m often...

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‘On Dancing’

I am not a party animal, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the party scene. I’m often too busy to frequent clubs and parties but birthdays are a good excuse to go out and party, otherwise I would never make the time.

Forget about getting drunk, doing something stupid like getting a tattoo on your face and developing amnesia about everything you did by the following morning; for me, the best part about going out is dancing! And here is the thing; dancing with strangers is a lot of fun. It allows you to get into each other’s personal space without a promise of taking things any further. It’s allows you for that instant to really enjoy the crazy feeling of being in sync with the music and basically turning a blind eye on everything else. Even though people turn to spectate when a pair is really good on the floor, no one ever cares about how shady your dance moves are. So the next time you “don’t feel” like dancing because you think you will look like a complete idiot while at it, keep in mind that absolutely no one cares. The ones who might sit back and ridicule you are often the ones who are having a pathetic time since they are too busy thinking about what everyone else thinks about them instead of just standing up and dancing. And we can agree that you didn’t leave your house to come and worry about who will judge you. Just get in there and if it happen to spot a move, emulate it and just rock with it. As long as you were not paid to entertain anyone at the venue, just let your hair down and move with the rhythm.

 Dancing is not inherently romantic. Dancing is fun, it is a stress reliever, a great work out and yes, sometimes romantic, but more often (for me at least), it is just about taking joy from what life has to offer. time, I find myself dancing with people I have zero sexual attraction to whatsoever. Regardless of whether or not they have the right moves, girls love to dance. They do it just for fun.  So it is often rather annoying when the men they are dancing with, assume they want more. Just like any other hobby, you might meet someone doing it and bond over that shared interest but then again; you might just find each other  in the same space momentarily, enjoy it and go your separate ways, which is what I am accustomed to doing.

Finding love on the dance floor is merely a myth, unless both of you are planning on dancing for a living in which case you can dance more often than not, because dance moves never translate to personality. Again; it’s never that serious. Actually it’s never serious at all. Simply put, dancing is fun. Learn how to dance if you want to, or better yet, learn one universal move that you can move to with almost every beat. I bet you will love it. Live, love, laugh…we all die eventually.  To get a male perspective on this, click link to read my colleague Mitch’s views – http://goo.gl/mG4QPH


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