MALE PERSPECTIVE: By Mitchell Odhiambo Would you meet with your ex’s friends, partners and family?

Should you meet your Ex’s friends, partners or family? This is very disturbing to pen down. I am a firm...

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Should you meet your Ex’s friends, partners or family?

This is very disturbing to pen down. I am a firm believer you should not date a woman you do not intend to make the mother of your children. What is this thing called love anyway? Young people can be very naïve especially when they claim to be in love. They will stick to their guns and are ready to die for whatever ideas they believe in at that point. Reality is most people; I think more than 70% have no idea what they are doing when picking a partner. And so it happens, people break up.

What do you do next? Do you meet your ex’s friends, partners or family? No. I’m afraid you have to try stay away from her favourite joints, up until she comfortably is over the healing process. You do not want her thinking you are stalking her. That will make you a leech; you are choking the breath out of her.

But as soon as she’s ready, you got to bring you’re A game. Both of you made a mistake fine, things didn’t work out as you intended, life has to go on, you will most probably meet her friends, family (if you went that far) even partner because she will move on. You got to be a strong man and wish her well, Man up and make her friends or family as comfortable as possible but please know your boundaries; you are not her boyfriend anymore, you do not have the liberty to pop up any day, and anyhow you want.

Keep things cool. If you need some time out, take it, no one will think any less of you. You got to be a grown up and act like one. Welcome to a man’s world. Until we speak again, I am your host. Mitchell Odhiambo

To get a female perspective on this, click link to read my colleague Lucy’s views –     

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