MALE PERSPECTIVE By Mitchell Odhiambo – Tastes, music, sports, clothes. Do they need to be compatible?

Imagine you went out on a first date and were ambushed by some strange questions. "Are you a soccer fan, and if so are you Team Messi...

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Imagine you went out on a first date and were ambushed by some strange questions. “Are you a soccer fan, and if so are you Team Messi or Team Ronaldo? Do you watch wrestling? If so are you a Cena or a Brock Lesnar person? Quite strange is it not?

For people to be compatible, do tastes in music, sports, hobbies etc need to be the same or similar?

My personal view is, there some fundamental issues which should align if one is to consider marrying someone and these are deeply personal. If you are in the early stages of your relationship,  it is important to clarify matters with your potential partner including which issues are non-negotiable i.e. you would not budge on them no matter what. Be it ambition, passion, vision, religion etc

However there are other issues which I think are best if both of you are coming from totally different worlds. This would give you a chance to explore your partners choice  of living for example, go for hikes, listen to rock music, take a nature walk and so forth. Who knows,  you could end up liking it and regret having never tried these before.

Be told though, there are those hobbies or activities you may have to endure and persevere in love and silence. When choosing a movie to watch, a place to go to for a weekend off, music to listen to, whose mum to visit first, it would be better if you have similar preferences

However on other issues, no one wants to marry themselves. You need a partner with a totally different ball game. Eg a smart gentleman is often looking for someone who can complete him emotionally & make him whole rather than a woman who can challenge his intellect. That could be a consideration but the latter trait rallies several points behind the former. He needs to feel loved when he comes back home. Not constantly challenged.

So, until we meet again. Welcome to a man’s world.  To get a female perspective on this, please click link to read my colleague Marilyne’s views –  

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