MALE PERSPECTIVE – Does it matter what your friends think about your partner?

Does it matter what your friends think about your partner? Unfortunately it does for...

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Mitchell OdhiamboDoes it matter what your friends think about your partner?

Unfortunately it does for most people but you have got to possess your own soul. The heart wants what it wants because the human heart can see beyond the human mind.

Friends always have ideas and opinions and some unknowingly will get immature about that kind of change. They could become insecure even jealous at the thought of someone else taking priority over them in your life i.e. less partying, less hanging out with you, I imagine this to be more common with ladies. Or is it?

I have observed that men do not suffer from this. Men are more concerned about her physique, her dress, her personality, her taste for shoes, her height, her curvature etc but you have got to be careful about this, you are not getting engaged to make the city happy; after all, you are not the town clerk.

As perfume and incense do maketh the heart glad, so does hearty counsel from a genuine friend, however; in choosing a partner, you need to silence all the loud and defiant voices and tune in to your inner wisdom. It brings peace to your heart and life to your bones.

 The young person’s cardinal sin is to deny his heart what it has long desired, just to make his friends happy. He will never know that time can freeze when a man meets face to face with that part of his life he did not know was missing and that his tongue can cleave to the roof of his mouth in the face of a woman.  So, listen to your inner man. 

 Welcome to a man’s world. From Mitchell Odhiambo To get a female perspective on this topic, please click link below read my colleague Beryl’s point of view 


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