Mr. Victor Mwangi Ngumo

Head of Department, Enterprise Sales & Retention, SME Mr. Victor Mwangi Ngumo holds the position of Head of Department,...

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Head of Department, Enterprise Sales & Retention, SME

Mr. Victor Mwangi Ngumo holds the position of Head of Department, Enterprise Sales & Retention, SME at Safaricom.

The SME Department is under Enterprise Business Unit,  the Business Unit charged with rolling out Safaricom’ s Business Solutions. The SME Business solutions include Lipa na M-PESA, Zidisha Biashara, Fixed Data and Cloud propositions (Domain, Web hosting, Payroll & Accounting)

Victor has worked in Safaricom for 9 years, having joined in the year 2005 as a Sales Manager in Consumer Business Unit. He has held a number of roles including National Sales Manager for M-PESA, and National Dealer & Key Accounts Manager. He holds a double –major in Bachelor of Commerce; Marketing and Business Administration, from Daystar University, a postgraduate Chartered Institute of Marketing Diploma, and currently pursuing Senior Management Leadership Programme at Strathmore University. Through many years of experience Victor has gained great expertise in third Party Distributor Management, Field Sales Management, Route to Market, Mobile Money & Agency Model, and SME Business Propositions.

At this event, Victor will discuss the products, services and support that Safaricom offers to entrepreneurs, Start-ups & SMEs. To find out more about Victor, you can view his LinkedIn profile here.

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